
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Preparations for the Mooncake Festival 2011

My friends and I can never pass up on a good deal. When two deals are scheduled on the same day, no worries, we do both.Yesterday was such a long day. We planned to shop at S&R Commonwealth for the dice game prizes since it was the first day of their annual sale.Then we intended to proceed to the Manila Pen for their 35th Anniversary Promo. Unfortunately, when we got to the S&R Commonwealth branch at 10 am, the crowd was already 3 people wide and snaked around two sides of the building. Looking at the chaos, we decided to try our luck at the Manila Pen and then proceed to S&R, the Fort, after lunch. We figured that if we arrived at Manila Pen before 11 am, we would be seated by 12 noon. Then, arriving at The Fort at an iffy time of 2:30-3:00 pm might also work to our advantage. Great plan only if the Universe will also decide to make it easy for us.
Wonder of wonders. When we got to Manila Pen at 11 am, we thought that we had our dates mixed up. There was no line at all. We signed up for a table, went to wash up and by the time we returned, the people in front of us were already being led to their tables. This was great. To kill time, we started with a plate of pancit luglug which was not included with their promo this year. Oh my, it was really good. The noodles, shrimp and squid were cooked to perfection.Their offering this year was for the Schueblig and Halo-Halo for 35 pesos each from 12 nn to midnight. I didn't think that they would include fries with the Schublig but there it was...all for 35 pesos and they did not limit it to one order per person either. You could order as many as you wanted but no take out.

The Halo-Halo usually sells for 420 pesos. But today, it was offered at 35 pesos. I'm not a halo-halo fan but at 35 pesos, why not? I loved the leche flan and the pinipig topping though.
Manila Peninsula even had their mascot for a photo shoot. Jane Sy, Ruth Cezar and I enjoying our halo-halo at the Lobby. Unfortunately, Lucy could not join us because the XS PTC was also scheduled the same afternoon.
After a satisfying lunch, we then proceeded to S&R, The Fort. Once again, we were shocked to see a line that was really short. The end of the line was just before the parking garage. I guess the Makati crowd would rather pay full price than join the throng of people. The only problem was the shortage of pushcarts and so Ruth lined up while Jane and I followed shoppers to their car to unload so that we can use their carts. We were allowed to enter after about 30 min. which was not bad at all. Once in, Jane lined up for the checkout counter. Once again, luck was on our side. The couple who lined up after us only had a few items and did not have a cart. They were Chinese too. So, Jane spoke to them in Chinese and asked if they were willing to watch our cart while we shopped. In exchange, they could put their stuff in our cart. A win-win situation for all of us.

We were able to buy almost all of our prizes for the dice game and the above photo shows some of the items I bought for the home. Once again, they had the 2-liter EVOO on sale. We bought one carton and intend to offer 2 bottles as a prize. I bought the corned beef from Australia. I'm trying to figure out if this is the same brand I use to buy from the Australian Consulate when I lived in NYC. I use a lot of peanut butter for my dishes and so that large bottle on sale was a God sent. They also had the Sriracha rooster brand that I normally buy at Pho Hoa. The reduced fat mayo with olive oil was also on sale. My friends said that the Prem brand of luncheon meat is just as good as Spam so I bought a can to try out. So many things on sale. If only I had tons of money to buy all the things I wanted but then again, I didn't buy a lot of junk either.

My family didn't like the Friday's chicken wings. The Prem luncheon meat is pretty good. My son loves the Reese's ice cream. The Blue Bunny cherry with chocolate ice cream tastes like medicine and is a far cry from Ben and Jerrry's Cherry Garcia.

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