
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tuna and Corn Fritters


·         3/4 c. of drained canned tuna (in water, brine or oil but no added flavors)
·         1/2 c. of drained canned corn kernels
·         3/4 c. of panko (Japanese bread crumbs)
·         1 tsp. of chopped tarragon
·         1 egg
·         salt and pepper, to taste
·         about 4 tbsps. of olive oil (not extra virgin), for frying

1.    In a bowl, mix together the drained tuna, corn, 1/2 c. of panko, tarragon, egg, salt and pepper.
2.    Leave for about 10 minutes to allow the panko to absorb any liquid from the tuna and corn.
3.    Use an ice cream scoop to form mounds of the tuna-corn mixture. I came up with six; you’ll have more or less, depending on the size of your ice cream scoop.
4.    Flatten the mounds with your fingers.
5.    Take the remaining panko and sprinkle on top of the patties, pressing the crumbs into the patties.Use a spatula to turn the patties over. Sprinkle the other side with panko, again, pressing the crumbs into the patties.
6.    Heat two tablespoonfuls of olive oil in a non-stick pan. What’s the oil for is using non-stick pan anyway? Because the panko will not turn crisp without the oil.
7.    Over medium heat, pan fry the patties, two to three at a time until golden brown. Flip to brown the underside too.
8.    Drain on paper towels.
9.    Pour the remaining olive oil into the pan. Fry the rest of the patties.
10.  Serve while hot and crisp.

I used 180g tuna flakes in brine. I didn’t have tarragon and so I substituted it with 1 tsp fresh thyme. I think dill would also make a good substitute. The first time I cooked this, my patties fell apart and so I used 2 eggs instead of 1 this time. I used a ¼ measuring cup which gave me 6 patties. I rolled it in ¼ c panko and flattened it with a spatula on my cast iron pan. I only used 2 tbsp to panfry my patties since my cast iron pan has already acquired a patina after 25 years of use.

I also needed some kick to the dish and so I served this with a mayonnaise dressing comprised of mayonnaise, one minced garlic clove, wasabi, some thyme, salt and pepper.

My husband and I enjoyed this dish. Next time, I’ll try it with canned salmon.

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